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The SolusVM is a popular VPS hosting control panel, and the SolusVM Slave is installed on a dedicated server for creating VPSs on that server.

What are the requirements?
- Fresh CentOS 7, installed on your VPS/Server.

How to install SolusVM Master?

Step 1:
Log in to SSH as a root account and run these two commands:


Step 2: It will show you an option to choose virtualization. Most people prefer KVM or Xen. Select your preferred virtualization by typing 1 or 2 and then press Enter. For KVM, we enter 2 and then hit Enter.

Installation can take from 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 3: Once it completes, it will show you the Slave keys and further instructions for your virtualization type. Now you can use these keys to add a node in your SolusVM Master panel. You will need a SolusVM Slave license for each node.

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